17 Jan 2011

Positive Goals for Positive Behavioural Support

Interventions to improve the quality of life for people for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges

Peter Fox and Eric Emerson
This resource is designed to aid the selection and evaluation of appropriate outcomes of intervention for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges services. It focuses on a range of potential outcomes, enabling the people involved to select those which are relevant, then to evaluate progress towards achieving those outcomes. Crucially, it looks at the personal and social consequences of the person's challenging behaviour and the effect of interventions on these quality of life factors, rather than simply focusing on attempting to reduce the challenging behaviour itself.
Content includes:
* Introduction
* Positive goals and positive behavioral support (PBS)
* Development of positive goals
* How to use positive goals

Positive Goals is designed to act as an addition to existing assessment and intervention processes and documentation, and can be adapted to suit individual circumstances.

Vital information for: carers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, behaviour therapists, community learning disability nurses, social workers, care managers, members of community learning disability teams and members of challenging behaviour teams.

Format: ringbound resource with CD-rom containing video clips and photo stories (approx 80pp)