29 Jun 2012

HIQA - New Standard

National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare

Date of publication: 
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
These standards are immensely important for patients, placing them at the heart of the care process. They are aimed at protecting patients and improving services, and will form the basis for future licensing of all healthcare facilities in Ireland.
An an audio version and short video about the Standards are available here

22 Jun 2012

Google - the other side

...and just to add balance to my earlier Post on Google: This quotation is woven into the carpet at Gungahlin Public Library in Canberra, Australia...

Please feel free to contact me for answers with under 100,000 references!

8 Jun 2012

Ireland - clinical guidelines sought and consultation on clinical guideline development manual

Submissions of clinical guidelines sought and consultation on clinical guideline development manual
The NCEC is now consulting on the following:

1.  Consultation on draft NCEC Clinical Guideline Development Manual
The NCEC has developed a draft Clinical Guideline Development Manual. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on the development of clinical guidelines using a robust clinical guideline development process.
We now wish to invite feedback on this draft manual. Every submission received will be considered and will inform the development of Version 1 of the Clinical Guideline Development Manual.

The consultation period ends at 5pm, Monday 9th July 2012. 

2.  Submissions of clinical guidelines sought

A round-up of RNID Role reviews and studies

A round-up of key RNID reviews and studies so far in 2012.....

Update on the Review of Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Degree Programmes
Information brief from meeting held on May 24 2012 click here 

Intellectual disability nursing in Ireland: Identifying its development and future 
As a profession, intellectual disability nursing has often come under scrutiny and been called into question. Since its inception as an individual nursing profession in 1959 in Ireland, both education and service provision philosophies have changed over time.Full Text [COPE Staff]

 Strengthening The Commitment: The Report of the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-78045-785-7
The report aims to ensure that people with learning disabilities of all ages have access to expert Learning Disabilities Nurses and that their families and carers get the best support and care. It also seeks to make best use of Learning Disabilities Nurses throughout the entire health and social care system and improve the career image of learning disabilities nursing as a whole.
 View as HTML
Associated downloadable documents

Learning from the past: Setting out the future sets out six recommendations to address the education, workforce and leadership issues and the Royal College of Nursing will be working with stakeholders to take them forward.  The Chief Nursing Officers of the health departments recently announced their intention to undertake a review Modernising Learning Disability Nursing across the four countries of the United Kingdom.
Position Statement:
Learning from the past – setting out the future.  A RCN position statement on the role of the learning disability nurse (PDF, 143KB)

An introduction to supporting people with autistic spectrum conditions

Available from the library

QCF intro to autism 431x589

Sue Hatton and Tom Boughton
This book provides an introduction to supporting a person with autism. It explains how to work in a person centred way that takes into account the person’s experience of the autistic spectrum. The book explains the difficulties that people with autism might experience with communication, social interaction and imagination as well as their possible sensory needs.
This book puts the person with a learning disability at the centre of the support you give. It uses real life stories, activities and thinking points to cover all of the learning outcomes and is full of practical examples of how to apply the ideas to the support that you provide.
The book is designed to support the Level 2 and 3 Diplomas in Health and Social Care (learning disability pathway) and the Common Induction Standards and in particular:

Level 2 - An introductory awareness to supporting people with autistic spectrum conditions
If you work with people with autistic spectrum conditions and are studying for a health and social care qualification, or you want the right information to help your personal development, then An introduction to supporting people with autistic spectrum conditions is for you.

1 Jun 2012

Survey uncovers terminology preferences

A survey by the Netbuddy website has found that the term that parents, carers and
professionals prefer to describe the people they live and work with is a person with a „learning
disability‟. This term took 36% of the votes, with „special needs‟ coming second with 23%.
Some felt that „special needs‟ referred more to school-age children, with „learning disability‟
more appropriate for adults. However, the survey found considerable debate about which
term to use, with 11% admitting they used various terms interchangeably. The term „learning
difficulties‟ polled 10% with some feeling that „learning difficulties‟ referred to conditions that
affected learning, such as dyslexia, and often referred to a child‟s academic attainment.

Agreeing Together [UK] – a contract for the future

The Learning Disability Coalition launched its final report, „Agreeing Together – a contract for
the future‟ in the Houses of Parliament on 22 May. The report is based the things that people
with learning disabilities have said need to change over the next ten years. This lead to the
creation of the 15 agreements which form the contract for the future. Download the report and
poster from their website and sign up to the Contract online.
Learning Disability Coalition
Sign up: http://chn.ge/JIMa9Y
Contact a Family [UK] helpline celebrates 10 years

Contact a Family's helpline is celebrating a decade of providing free advice, support and
information to thousands of families on any aspect of raising a disabled child.

In addition to the Helpline Contact a Family provide a brilliant website that lists conditions and syndromes.
The site gives patient friendly information for children and adults with disabilities, serious health conditions and rare disorders.

CAF Directory A-Z Listings 

At present, you can view five conditions for free in a six-month period. COPE Library also has a subscription.

0808 8083555

UK Annual Learning Disabilities Report

Posted: 29 May 2012 12:28 AM PDT
Improving Health and Lives, the learning disabilities public health observatory was set up in April 2010 following the publication of the Michael report. It exists to help understand the experience of people with learning disabilities and to produce evidence aimed at bringing about improvements. The annual report looks at information collected by government departments. IHAL [...]