31 May 2010

Medical Reference Sites

Recommended sites for factual information on medical or ID topics.

Medical Reference Sites [Printer friendly version]

For Health Staff
BILD - British Institute of Learning Disabilities - Free to download fact sheets on key ID topics – advocacy, transition,bereavement, self-injurious behaviour etc.

Clinical Knowledge Summaries [Registration Required] - Clinical Knowledge Summaries are a reliable source of evidencebased information and practical 'know how' about common conditions
managed in primary care. CKS also includes patient information leaflets on each topic.

Cochrane Reviews - Cochrane reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base
clinical treatment decisions.

Contact a Family - Provides an A-Z listing with basic information on many ID
conditions/syndromes and contact details of specialist support groups.

Medline Plus - MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from US government
agencies and health organizations.

NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence [UK] - NICE produce guidance o:
Public health, Health technologies & Clinical practice.

For Clients & Families
Easy Health - Health leaflets that are easy to understand; Films showing visits to health professionals

Irishhealth.com - offers users an easy to use online source of medical and healthcare information and health

NHS Direct - visit the Best Treatments website for the latest treatments options, get advice
on common health problems from the self-help guide.

Contact a Family - Provides an A-Z listing with basic information on many ID
conditions/syndromes and contact details of specialist support groups.

Patient UK - evidence based information leaflets on a wide range of medical and health
topics.  785 information leaflets on specific medicines and drugs.

18 May 2010

Management of constipation - Lynne Marsh

Management of constipation
Using a case study, Lynne Marsh and colleagues describe
how non-pharmacological treatment of constipation can lead
to improved independence, self-esteem and quality of life.

Please send me the full article: email library@cope-foundation.ie 

14 May 2010

Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities - Nursing Complex Needs

Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: Nursing Complex Needs
Jillian Pawlyn (Editor), Steven Carnaby (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-5170-2
376 pages
December 2008, Wiley-Blackwell

TO BORROW THIS BOOK EMAIL: library@cope-foundation.ie 

7 May 2010

Journal of the Month - Good Autism Practice

Promoting good practice and keeping up to date with new ideas – journals and events from BILD

Good Autism Practice

Edited by Glenys Jones, University of Birmingham and Elizabeth Attfield, autism.west midlands

This is the first journal dedicated solely to promoting good practice with children and adults with autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

Each journal includes articles:
encouraging good and innovative practice
written by practitioners, academics, parents and people with autism

The journal is edited by highly respected academics and practitioners specialising in autistic spectrum disorders and will be of interest to parents and practitioners in health, education and social services, as well as people who have autistic spectrum disorders.

Recent topics include:
The impact on siblings of having a brother or sister on the autistic spectrum
Knowledge and understanding of the autistic spectrum amongst prison staff
Asperger syndrome and anxiety: What does research tell us about the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy?
Designing learning spaces for children on the autism spectrum
Sex and relationship education with young people on the autistic spectrum

Each edition covers accredited courses in autism and includes reviews of latest books.


6 May 2010

PAS-ADD Reading List

References on mental health and intellectual disability

Lee, P., Moss, S.C., Friedlander, R.,  Donnelly, T., & Honer W.  (2003) Early onset schizophrenia in children with mental retardation:  Diagnostic reliability and stability of clinical features.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, in press

Moss, S.C. (2001)  Mental health and mental illness.  In L. Glidden (Ed.) International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. New York: Academic Press

Moss, S.C. & Lee, P.F.F. (2001) Mental Health in J. Thompson & S. Pickering (Eds.)  Health Needs of people with learning disability. London: Harcourt Brace.