28 Sept 2012

MS Specialist Nursing Guide - HSE Guidance

Multiple Sclerosis Specialist Nursing A guide to Best Practice

The Multiple Sclerosis Specialist Nursing in Ireland: A Guide to Best Practice (2nd Edition) was launched by Dr Kathleen Mac Lellan, Nurse Advisor; Department of Health on Friday September 7th. This guide, developed by the Irish Network of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses in partnership with the HSE National Nursing and Midwifery office, will be a useful to support specialist and non specialist nurses and midwives who care for people with Multiple sclerosis. 
Online Copies
Print Copies available from Sheila in the Library Ext. 3204

21 Sept 2012

Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland

Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland: a report to the Coordinating Council for the NMAHP Contribution to the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland

Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland: a report to the Coordinating Council for the NMAHP Contribution to the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
ISBN: 9781780459257
The report seeks to explore the complex issue of professionalism and is focused primarily, but not exclusively, on the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals workforce in NHSScotland

Executive Summary

Professionalism is widely accepted as a central element of health care, but it is a complex and multifaceted concept that is often difficult to define. Consequently, it is frequently described in terms of its absence and the negative values, behaviours and relationships that are demonstrated when things have gone wrong. The emphasis should therefore shift to reinforcing the positive and professional behaviours that are expected of staff and to articulating how they can be motivated and supported to enact the quality agenda.

Review of Academic Programme Validation of certain Complementary Therapies

Press Release, Wednesday 5th September 2012

The report of the Review of the academic programme validation of certain complementary therapies, commissioned by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) and the Department of Health, has been published today (Wednesday, 5th September 2012) on HETAC’s website (http://www.hetac.ie/publications_other.htm).

7 Sept 2012

Abuse and neglect in institutional care

The ‘Out of sight’ report highlights cases of abuse and neglect within learning disability services.
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