6 Jul 2012

New Adult Autism Guidelines - UK

NICE publishes new adult autism guidelines

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published its first set of guidelines on the referral, diagnosis and management of autism in adults and provides a full clinical pathway of care for those with the condition.
The guideline forms part of the Department of Health’s autism strategy, which aims to provide a clear and consistent pathway for diagnosis, and provide help for adults with autism to get into work and keep jobs, among other things.
This guideline is considered best practice, and is read by health and social care commissioners across the UK. The recommendations include:

New Book - Sleep Difficulties & Autism

Sleep Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders

A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Kenneth J. Aitken

Paperback: £24.99 / $39.95
ISBN: 978-1-84905-259-7, 
Problems with sleeping are common and make life difficult for the individual who is affected and for those around them. Sleep difficulties are particularly prevalent amongst people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and often cause or worsen other difficulties.
This comprehensive guide to the management of sleep problems, introduces all the proven remedies and focuses on the problems commonly found in ASDs and related conditions. The author discusses sleep in depth, including how we currently define and understand it. The full spectrum of sleep disorders is explained alongside the range of possible treatment approaches. The book also examines why some sleep problems are more common among people with an ASD than others, how sleep problems evolve over time, what can be done to treat them and the likely benefits from different treatments.
This book is a complete resource for professionals, families and carers working with those suffering from sleep problems of any kind. It will be of great interest to anyone wanting to gain a thorough understanding of sleep in relation to ASDs.
To borrow this book contact Sheila Ext 3204 or Email: Library at cope-foundation.ie