2nd edition
Sarah Newman
Illustrated by Jeanie Mellersh
Paperback: £13.99 / $21.95 add to cart
2008, 234mm x 156mm / 9.25in x 6in, 272pp
ISBN: 978-1-84310-693-7, BIC 2: JMC JNSP VFJD
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Praise for the First Edition:
'A warm feeling of positive reassurance and guidance runs throughout the book. [It] offers practical and emotional help, not only to a child's family, but equally to health and educational workers starting out within this field. This book should have a prominent place in every toy and leisure library as well as within childcare agencies.'
- Play Matters
'This very useful and readable book provides a wealth of resource ideas to support parents of young children with special needs.'
- Downs Syndrome Association (UK)