25 Jan 2013

HSE National Service Plan 2013

The HSE National Service Plan 2013 has been published following approval by the Minister for Health; Dr James Reilly T.D. The Service Plan sets out the type and volume of services the HSE will provide directly, and through a range of funded agencies, during 2013. These health and social care services must be delivered within the €13.404 billion funding provided by Government and within the stipulated employment levels.
The HSE budget for 2013 reflects a net increase of €71.5m and includes unavoidable budget pressures (such as demographic pressures and increased demand for medical cards, drugs, and other budgetary pressures particularly in the acute hospital sector as seen in 2012) of €748m and cost reductions of €721m. Staffing levels in the health service in 2013 be reduced by almost 4,000 (WTEs) in 2013.

Health in Ireland Key Trends 2012

The Department of Health (17th December 2012) published Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2012.  This is the fifth edition of this report which presents, in booklet format, a range of data on significant trends in health and health care over the past decade. The booklet is available from the Department of Health website: www.doh.ie/publications/key_trends_2012.html

Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2012 covers population and health status as well as trends in service provision. It is designed as an easy-to-use reference guide to significant trends in health and health care over the past decade. A number of new tables and graphs have been included on specific topics of importance and/or where new data has been made available. Each section of the booklet has a brief introduction summarising key statistics. ....

Health in Ireland Key Trends 2012
The Department of Health today (17th December 2012) published Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2012.  This is the fifth edition of this report which presents, in booklet format, a range of data on significant trends in health and health care over the past decade. The booklet is available from the Department of Health website: www.doh.ie/publications/key_trends_2012.html
Some ID relevant information included in this report:

People in receipt of intellectual disability services are recorded on the National Intellectual Disability Database (NIDD) (see Table 4.6). Since 2002, the numbers of persons availing of day services who are day attendees has increased by 25% and the numbers who are full time residents has increased by 8%. 82% of full-time residents are assessed as having moderate, severe, or profound disability. Data are also displayed by level of disability for day attendees, but the figures are difficult to interpret given the relatively high proportion of cases where the level of disability has not been verified. [Primary Care and Community Services p33]

Secrets to Success for Professionals in the Autism Field

  "It is rare to find a book like this, with pages so packed with insights and well-exampled ways of getting all practitioners not only to understand their charges with autism but also to understand themselves and thus to modify their practices. I have spent a lifetime trying to help this population, but this book inspired me to want to start again, to see if I could improve my own practice as well. It is truly an exceptional and much-needed text."
- Professor Rita Jordan, Emeritus Professor in Autism Spectrum Disorders, University of Birmingham.
New!Secrets to Success for Professionals in the Autism FieldAn Insider's Guide to Understanding the Autism Spectrum, the Environment and Your Role
Gunilla Gerland
Gunilla Gerland's extensive experience of the autism spectrum means she is expertly placed to offer a fresh perspective on working with autism as well as a wealth of effective tools and interventions to use in practice. 

This book offers original explanations of the impairments associated with autism, showing how to discover the root cause of behaviours that are challenging, not just how to manage them superficially. It looks objectively and non-judgementally at the common pitfalls and difficulties that autism professionals may encounter, explaining how to deal with these and transition to more effective working relationships. An important section on ethics and reflection equips the reader with the knowledge and skills needed to grow professionally in the field.
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Social Science Research Network

The Social Science Resarch Network SSRN is a major repository of social science research developed by a number of collaborating US, European and Asian universities.

It is “devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences”.  It has an elibrary consisting of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 444,700 scholarly working papers and an Electronic Paper Collection of downloadable full text documents. Of particular interest are collections in Health, Healthcare Economics, Business and Corporate Governance.

SSRN was ranked Number 1 repository in the World Ranking of Web Repositories