14 Feb 2011

NHS Evidence - Learning Disabilities

Thursday 10, February 2011


Welcome to the Evidence Bulletin. This month we have highlighted studies on the use of a visual aid to decision-making, pharmacotherapy for aggressive behaviours, women’s experiences of the menopause, hearing from people placed as psychiatric in-patients a long way from home, defining and measuring sociability and the importance of socioeconomic circumstances among parents of children with early cognitive delay. We also present highlights of published studies this month from our scan of almost 40 journals under the collection’s headings for you to browse and explore further at source if you wish.
As always you can download the bulletin in PDF format..

4 Feb 2011

BILD Bulletin - Latest Books and Articles on ID

eCAS online .

As part of the benefits of our BILD membership, we get eCAS, the digital version of The BILD Current Awareness Service, a monthly digest of what’s new in the field of learning disabilities.
You will need a username and password to access - email/phone me for details.

You are welcome to print/share copies with your colleagues.