30 Jun 2010

JIDR Special Issue on ID and Mental Health

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - Wiley InterScience -
 54 Issue 7 (July 2010)

Original Articles

An exploratory study of the defence mechanisms used in psychotherapy by adults who have intellectual disabilities (p 579-583)
D. W. Newman, N. Beail
Attachment behaviour towards support staff in young people with intellectual disabilities: associations with challenging behaviour (p 584-596)
J. C. De Schipper, C. Schuengel
Indicators of anxiety and depression in women with the fragile X premutation: assessment of a clinical sample (p 597-610)
A. Lachiewicz, D. Dawson, G. Spiridigliozzi, M. Cuccaro, M. Lachiewicz, A. McConkie-Rosell
Effects of a leisure programme on quality of life and stress of individuals with ASD (p 611-619)
D. A. GarcĂ­a-Villamisar, J. Dattilo
The role of marital quality and spousal support in behaviour problems of children with and without intellectual disability (p 620-633)
N. Wieland, B. L. Baker
A meta-analysis of intervention effects on challenging behaviour among persons with intellectual disabilities (p 634-649)
M. Heyvaert, B. Maes, P. Onghena
Personality disorders in offenders with intellectual disability: a comparison of clinical, forensic and outcome variables and implications for service provision (p 650-658)
R. T. Alexander, F. N. Green, B. O'Mahony, I. J. Gunaratna, S. K. Gangadharan, S. Hoare
Use of antipsychotic drugs in individuals with intellectual disability (ID) in the Netherlands: prevalence and reasons for prescription (p 659-667)
G. de Kuijper, P. Hoekstra, F. Visser, F. A. Scholte, C. Penning, H. Evenhuis
ADHD symptom presentation and trajectory in adults with borderline and mild intellectual disability (p 668-677)
K. Xenitidis, E. Paliokosta, E. Rose, S. Maltezos, J. Bramham

Get these articles via Ebsco - if you don't have your EBSCO sign-in contact library@cope-foundation.ie

29 Jun 2010

Shedding Light on Epilepsy - Nurses' Information Pack

Shedding Light on Epilepsy - A Nurse's Information Pack.
This pack provided by the the Irish Epilepsy Association includes material on ID and Epilepsy

Available to borrow from the Library. 

28 Jun 2010

Dartington review on the future of adult social care

While the challenges of developing sustainable social care for
the future are undoubtedly real, the experiences of other countries
indicate that they are far from insurmountable.
Of course many countries, such as the new eastern European and Baltic members
of the EU, are struggling to develop even a basic network of non-institutional social
care services, particularly in rural areas. But in western European, Scandinavian and
other developed welfare states, social care provision appears surprisingly resilient
in the face of the twin pressures of fiscal constraint and population ageing. From this
brief survey of current international trends and reforms, three broad themes can be
identified. First, there appears to be a widespread commitment to developing and/or
maintaining universal access to social care. Previous fragmented, uncoordinated and
locally variable arrangements are being replaced with national schemes in which
conditions of eligibility for social care are the same across the country; sometimes
these conditions are formalised as clear entitlements. The commitment to universality
also covers younger as well as older disabled people – it is rare for reform measures
to focus solely on older people. Major questions therefore arise about the equity of
the English Green Paper’s proposals to establish different arrangements for older
and younger disabled people. Moreover, no reforms to universal schemes in other
countries in response to financial or demand pressures involve excluding the well-off
or targeting social care services only on the poorest. Rather, it is more likely for
certain types of help, particularly hotel costs in institutional settings and domestic
home help services, to be excluded from publicly-funded social care.

Contact the library to order articles, borrow books, help with research.

22 Jun 2010

Featured Book

Single Subject Research Methodology in Behavioral Sciences

By David L. Gast

  • Price: $89.95
  • Binding/Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-0-8058-6277-5
  • Publish Date: October 14th 2009
  • Imprint: Routledge
  • Pages: 488 pages
This book is written for student researchers, practitioners, and university faculty who are interested in answering applied research questions and objectively evaluating educational and clinical practices. The basic tenet of single-subject research methodology is that the individual is of primary importance and that each individual study participant serves as his or her own control. It is because of this focus on the individual that clinicians and educators have been using single-subject research designs for over 40 years to answer applied research questions. Although the methodology has its roots in behavioral psychology and applied behavioral analysis, it has been used by applied researchers across a variety of disciplines such as special education, speech and communication sciences, language and literacy, therapeutic recreation, occupational therapy, and social work. Key features include the following:

21 Jun 2010

Best Practice and Research in ID - Articles Available

ID Nursing Best Practice and Research - Articles Available

Not had time to read your journals lately?

I have compiled a listing of the interesting ID articles published the Library’s  in ID journals - topics covered include assessment, autism, nursing, nutrition, challenging behaviour..

Print and email copies of the listing are available. Contact Sheila (Library@cope-foundation.ie)

Books on Austim and Asperger's - Donated to library

Sincere thanks to David and Kathy Gast for donating this collection of books to the library. Contact Sheila (Library@cope-foundation.ie) to borrow any of these.

The Verbal Behavior Approach: How to Teach Children with Autism and Related Disorders (Paperback)
by Mary Barbera; Tracy Rasmussen (Author)

Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive by Sally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson, and James McPartland (Paperback - 22 Aug 2002)

Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger's Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life (Paperback)
by Nancy J. Patrick (Author) 

Seeing is Believing: Video Self-Modeling for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (Topics in Autism) (Paperback)
by Tom Buggey (Author) 

Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety: A Guide to Successful Stress Management (Paperback)
by Nick Dubin (Author) 

Fun with Messy Play: Ideas and Activities for Children with Special Needs (Paperback)
by Tracey Beckerleg (Author) 

School Success for Kids with Asperger's Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers (Paperback)
by Stephan Silverman (Author), Rich Weinfeld (Author) 

Preparing for Life: The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for Those with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome (Paperback)
by Jed Baker (Author) 

Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Issues: Practical Solutions for Making Sense of the World [Illustrated] (Paperback)
by Brenda Smith Myles (Author), Katherine Tapscott Cook (Author), Nancy Miller (Author), et al(Author) 

Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and Social-Communications Problems (Paperback)
by Jed E. Baker (Author) 

A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Schools (Paperback)
by Lee A. Wilkinson (Author) 

Making Visual Supports Work in the Home and Community (Spiral-bound)
by Jennifer L. Savner (Author), Brenda Smith Myles (Author) 

Single-Subject Research in Behavioral Sciences (Hardcover)
by David L. Gast (Author) 

Group Treatment for Asperger Syndrome: A Social Skill Curriculum (Paperback)
by Lynn Adams (Author) 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome (Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment) (Hardcover)
by Valerie L. Gaus (Author) Contact the library to order articles, borrow books, help with research.

Asperger Syndrome After the Diagnosis - 7 volume set. Josie Santomauro. JKP Publishers. From the set:
A Special Book About Me.
Your Special Friend.
You are Special Too.
Fathering Your Special Child.
Your Special Grandchild.
Your Special Student.

11 Jun 2010

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis - NEW JOURNAL FOR 2010

You can access the full content of Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis from any computer in COPE- you won't need passwords, etc.

Try this page: http://seab.envmed.rochester.edu/jaba/toc/cur/jabacurrent.php
Every one of the articles should be preceded by a pdf icon; you should be able to read the full articles from the entire issue without trouble.

For back issues (all 6,000 articles)  go to

For JEAB: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=299&action=archive

For JABA: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=309&action=archive

6 Jun 2010

ID Articles of Interest Jan-Apr 2010

This document is too large to post here so please contact the Library for a print or email copy.
Topics covered - 
Assessment, Autism, Nutrition, News, Nursing, Communication.

Assessments Available

These assessments are available to view in the Library. 
To discuss assessments or for help in choosing the right one please contact ?????
July 2010.

Supports Intensity Scale
The Supports Intensity Scale is an assessment tool that evaluates practical support requirements of a person with an intellectual disability. Available in print and electronic formats, SIS consists of an 8-page Interview and profile form that tests support needs in 87 areas, and a 128-page User's Manual. SIS is comprehensive and engages the consumer in a positive interview process.
Click here to download a presentation on SIS. Click here to read the most frequently asked questions about SIS.
Read product reviews here.
Contact the Library for details on obtaining a copy for use.

The PAS-ADD system for assessing psychiatric disorders in people with intellectual disability (mental retardation)

The PAS-ADD schedules were designed to improve the detection and assessment of these disorders in people with intellectual disability.  The schedules provide a structured framework within which clinicians, other health professionals and family members can collect standardized information about symptoms.  There are three schedules, each targeted at a different level of knowledge on the part of the user.  Overall, the PAS-ADD is designed to provide a flow of information from carers, though support staff, to the psychiatrists, psychologists and other clinicians responsible for making diagnostic assessments.   

Pathways to Independence
Dorothy M Jeffree and Sally Cheseldine
Checklists of self-help personal and social skills

The Pathways to Independence checklists bring together the competency skills necessary to lead an independent life within the community - from the basic skills of eating and dressing, to using information and amenities and looking after money. This new edition has been fully updated to reflect everyday technology, including the use of microwave ovens and cash dispensers.

The nature and range of the skills assessed make the checklists appropriate for use in a wide variety of contexts: in programmes for disadvantaged school-age children; in training programmes for teenagers and adults with learning and physical disabilities; in rehabilitation programmes following hospitalisation.

A visual profile provides a chart of strengths and weaknesses, with space for up to eight full assessments, forming a clear record of progress and highlighting areas where training or support may be required.

DIS-DAT – Disability Distress Assessment Tool
DIS-DAT can be used to identify distress cues in people who because of cognitive impairment or physical illness have severely limited communication.
It is Designed to also document a person’s usual content cues, thus enabling distress cues to be identified more clearly.

The Behavior Assessment Guide
Thomas J. Willis, Gary W. LaVigna and Anne M. Donnellan
The Behavior Assessment Guide provides the user with a comprehensive set of data gathering and records abstraction forms to facilitate the assessment and functional analysis of a client's behavior problems and the generation of nonaversive behavioral intervention plans. Permission has been granted by the authors to reproduce the forms for professional use.
Topic Headings

The OK Health Check
A simple to use, comprehensive system which collects the day-to-day observations of carers about the health of service users.  It identifies health needs, staff training needs and many of the unhelpful practices in the care setting which might compromise health.  It is an invaluable tool which provides a meaningful framework for health assessment and for training carers to fulfil their responsibilities in respect of health care.